Alan helped me redefine a greater vision and see hope for a future that recentered my focus.

– Kevin A., CFO - Manufacturing


Leadership Coaching

As leaders, we navigate in a reality that is fast paced, complex and ever changing. Let’s explore your values, drives, motivations, and strengths and determine how they impact those around you. Then let’s learn about and “feed & water” the values, drives, motivations, and strengths of the people you lead. 

Leading is like being the star on a Broadway show, the light is on you, and everyone is watching. The 360-degree feedback process creates awareness of the perceptions of your behavior and how it’s viewed by your work colleagues. The result validates your strengths, identifies blindspots, and highlights those areas you already know need your attention.

Team Coaching

In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, teams need increased resilience, collaboration, and ability to manage endless change.

Team coaching provides a space to rediscover and refine individual and team strengths to increase the effectiveness of each individual team member and the entire team.

Creating the foundation for the team to work together to improve trust, communication, collaboration, and leadership skills among all team members.

Group Coaching

This brings people together from various functions across an organization to focus on broad leadership topics, while raising awareness, setting goals, and creating accountability. Participants learn from each other as the coaching process takes shape, while creating collaboration and building trust across the organization. Group coaching can be added on to a training program to support the learning process and to create accountability.

Leadership Facilitation and Training

Whether a reminder of what already exists in your toolbox or a new addition, explore how leadership tools can enhance your team’s creativity, collaboration and performance. Covering topics such as Conscious Leadership, A Coaching Approach to Leadership, and Leading with Communication and Trust.