Gremlins, Limiting Beliefs and Assumptions, oh my!
Gremlins, Limiting Beliefs and Assumptions, oh my!
There are hundreds of leadership coaches, what makes you unique?
So, who am I and what makes me unique?
Facing A Difficult Conversation?
This person’s previous managers or close friends were all impacted by the behavior in question, and yet no one has addressed it.
Protect Your Most Important Asset
Your people, human capital, are your most important asset.
May Brings Substance, Sensing, and Seeing Growth & Development.
As I get older, I wonder where does the time go?
To Give or To Teach?
How many of us recall this Chinese proverb: “Give a person a fish and they will eat for a day. Teach a person how to fish and you feed them for a lifetime”.
Grace and Gratitude, My Journey into 2021.
I hold deep gratitude for the various cohorts I have been accepted into throughout my journey.
April’s Feelings of Solitude Bring Opportunity for Servitude and Gratitude
As I look back on April, it was a month for gratitude and appreciation for all those that allowed me to stay home, while they held the front line of this pandemic.
March Comes in Like a Lion and the Lion Never Leaves
My rucksack is lighter, and some randomly placed rocks mark the path I have travelled thus far.
My Mess My Message
Thank goodness for friends, especially those who provide support and willingly challenge you.
Reorganization, Personal Development, Starting a Business, and COVID-19.
Looking back at the last 8 months, it has been one heck of a ride.